and here he narrowly escaped being poisoned. A Jewish female, with a view to ascertain the truth of his prophetical pretensions, placed before him at supper a poisoned dish[1]; one of his companions fell a victim, and it is supposed, that Mohammed, who partook of it more sparingly, never recovered from the fatal effects. It is superfluous to enter into the details of the various battles where victory and defeat eventually promoted his cause; some reckon no less than twenty-seven expeditions in which Mohammed was personally present. The eyes of the Prophet were constantly directed towards Mecca: he proceeded against it: his attack was not successful, but ended in a truce for 10 years, which still strengthened his power.
At length in the 8th year of the Hegira, with 10,000 men devoted to his service, he again attacked Mecca, on account of the vio-
- ↑ Prideaux, Sale, Gibbon.