his own principles, success denoted the dive approbation, the dazzling height to which he was exalted might affect his mind; after endeavouring so long to deceive others, he might end in self-deception, or be given over to strong delusion. Many have evinced the master-passion strong in death, Cromwell, who with high religious professions, like him
"Waded through seas of slaughter to the throne,"
employed his last prayer in intercession for his country. Previous to his dissolution, Mohammed tendered restitution to all whom he had injured, and is said to have expressed his lively confidence, not only of the mercy, but favour of the Supreme Being. When his faculties were visibly impaired, he called for pen and ink to write or dictate something of importance, but Omar observed that his precepts were engraven on their hearts, and no further revelation was necessary. Having