Page:The Moki snake dance.djvu/27

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coloring and beauty beyond the power of pen or pencil to depict. With the night new experiences come in the desert. In the clear air of Tusayan myriads of stars are revealed. It is not often the good fortune of the astronomer to enjoy such skies for observation. Stars of low magnitude, rarely seen elsewhere, are easily found in the night heavens of Tusayan. It may seem like romancing, but it is true, the powdery, misty starlight is strong enough to admit of reading the dial of a watch and to distinguish the outline of mesas and buttes miles away. Then the silence of the night is overpowering. Not a cricket chirps and no animal disturbs the almost oppressive silence.

When the conquistadores came to Tusayan, some three hundred and fifty years ago, they found the Mokis high up on the mesas, but not on the rocky tops where the towns are now built. This meeting of the Conquerors

Vroman, photo.