Page:The Moki snake dance.djvu/37

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the east trail to Mishonginovi there is a curious hanging rock forming an arch under which the trail passes.

Back of Mishonginovi is the small town of Shi-paul′-ovi, "the place of the peaches," the most picturesquely located of the Moki pueblos, and with the most elevated situation. Shipaulovi is a comparatively modern town, having been formed by families from Shung o′-pavi since the Spaniards introduced peaches. Here the Snake dance is held in even years, alternating with that of the Flute.

Shungopavi, "the place of the reed grass," is a few miles west of Shipaulovi. Reed grass is prescribed for the mats wound around the ceremonial wedding blankets of white cotton. A small country place of Shungopavi is located at Little Burro Spring, some twelve miles south of the town.

Oraibi, with its fifty mile distant little offshoot, Mo′′-en-kop′-i, marks the extreme western, as Taos marks the eastern, extent of the pueblo region. Nearly one-half, or about eight hundred, of the Mokis live in Oraibi. The Snake Society at this pueblo, though fewer in numbers than at several of the other towns, gives an interesting performance. The large open plaza where the dance is held offers excellent opportunities for photographing and for viewing the spectacle.