Page:The Monk, A Romance - Lewis (1796, 1st ed., Volume 2).djvu/172

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sent, you need not doubt obtaining mine and my daughter's; but, without his, hope not for ours. At all events, whatever steps you may take, whatever may be the duke's decision, till you know it, let me beg your forbearing to strengthen, by your presence, Antonia's prepossession. If the sanction of your relations authorises your addressing her as your wife, my doors fly open to you. If that sanction is refused, be satisfied to possess my esteem and gratitude, but remember that we must meet no more."

Lorenzo promised reluctantly to conform to this decree: but he added, that he hoped soon to obtain that consent, which would give him a claim to the renewal of their acquaintance. He then explained to her why the marquis had not called in person; and made no scruple of confiding to her his sister's history. He concluded by saying, "that he hoped to set Agnes at liberty the next day; and that, as soon as Don Raymond's fears were quieted upon this subject,he