Page:The Moslem World Vol XI.djvu/145

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play, of friends and of freedom is denied to the girl wife!

And what of Persian childhood with its threefold burden of superstition, fatalism, and ignorance, with its medical, educational, moral and spiritual problems? The limic of childhood is only fixed by physical laws, the immaturity of the mind is ignored. The seclusion of girls has its moral and mental effects as well as physical. The sufferings resulting from the conditions under which the little carpet weavers of Kerman work are deplorable. A heavy toll of suffering and early death awaits the children of opium smoking parents. A physician from Persia writes: "There are more childhood diseases here than in any place of which I know. It is estimated that the mortality is 85%." From their earliest years boys and girls see and hear what a child should never know. They grow up in an atmostphere where thought, word and deed are all impure—lying, false promises and threats are all allowed as right, in dealing with children. How much, too, is left out of their lives? Islam is not for the child. Their prophet could never have called the children to him. Yet how quickly they learn to know and love the Children's Friend, who still says, "Suffer the children to come unto Me."

Half of the population of Persia lives in its 40,000 villages. Here the women are of more account than in the towns; they lead busy lives, spinning and weaving wool and cotton, cleaning and grinding rice and corn, and making butter and cheese. They are simple and friendly folk and always very interested and curious when an English woman appears. They are slow to take in new ideas, and are surprised when suggestions are made about child training and home making. An attentive hearing is always given to the Gospel.

Another fourth of the population are Ilyats or wandering tribespeople, who live a free life, moving their quarters in spring and autumn. These tribes, of which there are many, are of Arab, Turkish, and Persian origin. With many of them robbing is a profession. They are