Page:The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedie of Romeo and Iuliet (1623).djvu/19

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of Romeo and Iuliet.

My houſe and welcome, on their pleaſure ſtay.


Ser.Find them out whoſe names are written. Here it is written, that the Shoo-maker ſhould meddle with his yard, and the Tayler with his Laſt, the Fiſher with his Penſill, and the Painter with his Nets. But I am ſent to find thoſe perſons whoſe names are heee writ, and can neuer find what names the writing perſon hath here writ (I muſt to the Learned) in good time.

Enter Benuoilio, and Romeo.

Ben. Tut man one fire burnes out anothers burning,
One paine is leſned by anothers anguiſh:
Turne giddie, and be holpe by backward turning:
One deſperate griefe, cures with an others languiſh:
Take thou ſome new infection to the eye,
And the ranke poyſon of the old will dye.

Romeo. Your Plantan leafe is excellent for that.

Ben. For what I pray thee?

Rom. For your broken ſhin.

Ben. Why Romeo art thou mad?

Rom. Not mad, but bound more than a mad man is:
Shut vp in Priſon, kept without my food,
Whipt and tormented: and Godden good fellow,

Ser. Godgigoden, I pray ſir can you reade?

Rom. I mine own fortune in my miſerie.

Ser. Perhaps you haue learned it without booke:
But I pray can you reade any thing you ſee?

Rom. I if I know the Letters and the Language.

Ser. Ye ſay honeſtly, reſt you merry.

Rom. Stay fellow, I can reade.

He reades the Letter

SEigneur Martino, and his wife and daughters: County Anſelme and his beauteous ſisters: the Lady widdow of Vtruuio, Seigneur Placentio, and his louely Neeces: Mercutio and his brother Valentine: mine Uncle Capulet his wife and daughters: my faire Neece Roſaline, Liuia, Seigneur Valentio, and his Coſen Tybalt: Lucio and the liuely Helenda,
A faire Aſſembly, whither ſhould they come?

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