Page:The Music of India.djvu/20

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of view the northern method is preferable. As most of the writer's time has been spent in the south, and his first love for the genial south is always his best love, it is not likely that he has been biassed in coming to this decision.

In our second table the smaller intervals of the Indian octave are exhibited. Here a difficulty appears in the southern system, namely, the merging of the notes as shown in the bracketed pairs of the table. We have decided to ask our southern friends to read Shatsruti Ri in those cases where it should occur, even though the symbol g is used and so on for all merged notes.

Tīvra means 'sharp' and is shown by capital with superscript plus, in the case of Ni and Ga. In the case of Ni and Ga it is a sharp of one śruti only. In Ma it is a semitonal sharp, and is shown by a small letter.

Tīvratara is a double sharp, a microtone higher than Tīvra, and is indicated by small letter with plus sign.

Komal is a semitonal flat and is indicated by a small letter.

Atikomal is a microtonal double flat, one śruti lower than Komal. It is indicated by a superscript minus sign on the small letter.

The three voice registers are indicated as follows : —

T ... Tāra or higher register, shown thus S.
O ... Madhya or middle register, shown thus S.
M ... Mandra or lower register, shown thus S.

The letters T, O, M, are placed at the beginning of the clef to show the register used.

In the staff notation, when it is desired to show a microtonal sharpening or flattening, the sharp or flat sign is placed over the note, as may be seen in the table of srutis below. It should be noted that there are other systems of nomenclature current in India besides the two mentioned. For instance, one current in Poona calls the Śuddha notes of our system Tīvra and the Tīvra notes Tīvratara. It is not suggested that the notation here adopted is free from difficulties, but after very careful thought it is the best that we have been able to devise for the purpose of this book. Whether it will be found worthy of wider use it is for others to decide.