the stars and never again permitted to stray earthward. His great dark sky square with a star on each corner is exceedingly easy to find especially during September when it is on the sky slope in the east, although if there is any difficulty in locating it, let the eye travel from Cassiopeia to the Segment of Perseus—which resembles a rod bent in the middle and swayed by the weight of this big chained Square.
The Square rises and sets in a tilted fashion with its corner star, Scheat, on the horse's knee, almost above Algenib, which lies on his wing.
"as if by art at equal distance placed." This causes the Square to resemble a distorted diamond-shaped figure when seen in the east or west but when the figure travels along the south about nine o'clock during the latter part of October or the first of November, its sides are horizontal and vertical.
The Winged Horse first makes his appearance in the northeast near midnight in the middle of June but is better seen in the east between nine and ten o'clock a little later in the summer. Any time during the Autumn he may be seen flying inverted across the dome of the heavens and by November is high in the west. Evening after evening his silvery wings fly lower and lower; the star Enif flutters as it nears the thickened atmosphere about the horizon