Page:The Musnud of Murshidabad (1704 - 1904).djvu/468

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TWO DAYS, IN 1764.

Meer Jaffer wrote in 1764 to the Governor and Council at Calcutta —"as soon as I receive intelligence of Lord Clive's arrival at Ingelee, I, who long to have the pleasure of seeing him, will set out from Murshidabad and make it but two days Journey to Calcutta. I have fixed my departure on the 22nd of Jemady-ul-aula (the l7th November,) there being- no luckier day in the month.

The Nawab returned to Murshidabad with Nanda Cumar on the 20th December, 1764, and the latter wrote to Calcutta—"I despatched today, .on boats from the city the sum of two lacs balance remaining- of the twenty lacs on account of the damag-es sustained by the merchants, please God they will arrive in five or six days; a list of the several sorts of supees is sent to Nobokissen Munshi, he will deliver the same to you."



On the 6th March, 1765, Mahamed Reza Khan wrote to the Governor at Calcutta—"Today, Sunday, the 10th of Ramzan, His Highness the Nawab Najmuddowla Bahadur sat on the Masnad in a fortunate hour and to the gentlemen of Council and the Nawabs Syefuddowla Bahadur and Mobarukuddowla Bahadur and the friends of the deceased Nawab, His Highness presented khilluts and he was pleased to honor me by con- ferring on me the Neabut of the Suba of Bengal &c., and by presenting me with a rich khillut and Serpainch and Jega set with jewels and an elephant and sword together with the title of Moinuddowla Mozaffer Jang Bahadur. As under God you, Sir, are the author of my fortune ; if my whole body were composed of tongues, I should be unable to express the smallest degree of my gratitude."