near the statue of Henry IV., and from that moment the vicinity of the Louvre and the Palais Royal were wrenched from the tyrant's forces. The body has lain in the morgue since Friday. The only document of identity found upon his person was an empty envelope bearing the name Doctor Satiani, and addressed to "The southwest corner of the Rue St. Honoré and the Rue du Roule."'"
The first thing that Monsieur said, laying aside the paper, was, "Then it was to fight for the King that Doctor Satiani came to Paris, Irène, again I say, it was a vision that you saw on Rue—Rue
""St. Honoré," answered the girl, "perhaps in the very vicinity of the address on the envelope. Where is the Rue du Roule?"
"I do not know," replied Monsieur.
"Nor I," said Joseph.
"Well, good night again," said Irène. "In the morning we shall find out, and go thither."
They retired for the night; and owing to the fatigue of the day's journey, slept soundly.
Irène was awake with the first murmurs