establish a republic, We shall never rest until she does!"
Doctor Satiani was silent; but his countenance showed how painfully these sentences lashed him. Long necessity and bitter disappointments had taught him to control his words; but could not prevent his blood, which had once been of the chosen few, from rising to his temples.
"What was Louis XVIII.?" continued the father. " What is Charles X. but a selfish, grinding cur? Who knows what this July, 1830, will bring—who knows!" and in his ecstasy he arose to his full height, as if to examine his strength and convince himself that he could fight again for the people of his beloved France.
With each sentence Satiani crouched more and more within himself. Each sentence stung him to the quick; but he was silent, like a whipped beast. At length, without ceremony, he took his hat and walked to the door.
"Do you go so soon?" inquired Monsieur Le Blanc, recovering from his.temper.