Page:The Mythology of All Races Vol 1 (Greek and Roman).djvu/346

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This design is sketched with coarse yellowish lines of glaze on a white background. Charon, a tall and rather ungainly bearded man of a not unkindly countenance, stands at the stern of his boat and looks straight before him at a tiny winged soul descending toward him from the right. He is clad in a short, belted chiton without sleeves, and has his petasos hanging by a cord at the back of his head. He leans with his left hand on a long pole, the lower end of which rests in the water, while with his right hand he steadies himself on the up-curving stern of his boat, behind which a clump of reeds is growing. From a white lekythos of the fifth century b.c., in Karlsruhe (A. Fairbanks, Athenian White Lekythoi, ii, Plate XIV, Fig. 4). See pp. 89-90.