Page:The Mythology of All Races Vol 1 (Greek and Roman).djvu/504

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Helios, with radiate head, ascends in his car, drawn by four winged horses, out of the eastern sea, and the stars (the small boyish figures) disappear one by one in the water or beneath the horizon. From a red-figured krater of the first part of the fifth century b.c., in the British Museum (Furtwängler-Reichhold, Griechische Vasenmalerei, No. 126). See pp. 241 ff.

The Horai

The Horai (thus named by the artist) are here represented in their original character as divinities of vegetation and fruitfulness. The first carries what seems to be a fig-branch; the second bears two branches, the larger of which is laden with pomegranates; and the third holds a plucked fruit on the tip of her hand. From a red-figured kylix of the fifth century b.c., in Berlin (Furtwängler-Reichhold, Griechische Vasenmalerei, No. 123). See pp. 237-38.