Page:The Mythology of All Races Vol 1 (Greek and Roman).djvu/647

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NOTES 329 5. The statement that Apollo "is the solar word of Zeus conceived as the eternal and infinite god and through him the revealer of the ar- chetypes of things" (Schure, "Le Miracle hellenique. L'ApoUon de Delphes et la Pythonisse," in Revue des deux Mondes, 6th per. vii. 344-45 [1912]) ignores the progressive development of Apollo from a simple to a complex personality. 6. Occasionally Artemis was a goddess of counsel, that is to say, of health of mind, an extension of her function as the goddess of health of body. 7. Hekate's association with sorcery is ample explanation of the fact that she figured more prominently in private than in public cult. Chapter IV I. The same kind of magical imprisonment seems here to be in- volved as that to which the genie was subjected in the story of Alad- din and the Wonderful Lamp. Chapter V 1. This was presented by Professor A. L. Frothingham in a paper read before the Archaeological Institute of America at its annual meet- ing held at Haverford College, Dec. 1914. So far as the present writer knows, the paper is not yet in print. 2. Shelley's translation of the Homeric Hymn to Hermes, ix. 3. ib. xlv. 4. ib. xcvii. 5. The union of Hermes with both Herse and Pandrosos in Attic legend probably signifies that at least in Athens he had a connexion with certain phases of the weather, but such an association does not seem to have been general. Chapter VI 1. Since the manuscript has left the author's hands he has come to the conclusion that Farnell is right in regarding the name as wholly foreign. In the forthcoming volume of the Transactions and Proceed- ings of the American Philological Association the writer presents a pre- liminary statement of what he believes to be the correct derivation, and later he hopes to publish an article supporting the etymology in detail. 2. The affinity is due to Aphrodite's primitive connexion with vege- tation. 3. The matter-of-fact mind can easily detect an overlapping of the