Page:The Mythology of All Races Vol 3 (Celtic and Slavic).djvu/134

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A and B

Altar from Saintes

A. The obverse shows a seated god and goddess. The god is squatting (cf. Plates III, 3, VIII, XXV), and holds a torque in his hand. The goddess has a cornucopia (cf. Plates XIV, XV), and a small female figure stands beside her.

B. On the reverse is a squatting god with a purse in his right hand; to the left is a god with a hammer (see Plates XIII, XIV, XXVI), and to the right is a goddess. Three bulls' heads are shown below (cf. Plates II, 4–5, 9, III, 5, XIX, i, 6, XX, B, XXI). From an altar found at Saintes, Charente-Inferieure, France.