Page:The Mythology of All Races Vol 3 (Celtic and Slavic).djvu/502

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Chapter III

  1. E. Windisch, in IT i. 14; Stokes, Tripartite Life of Saint Patrick, p. 314.
  2. Ed. and tr. W. M. Hennessy, in RIJ.TLS i. 3 (1889).
  3. O'Curry [a], i. 505.
  4. LL 246.
  5. Book of Fermoy, iii f.; E. O'Curry, in Atlantis, iii. 385 (1862); RIA:IMS.i. 45 f. (1870).
  6. Text and translation by E. O'Curry, in Atlantis, iv. 113 ff. (1863).
  7. L. C. Stem, in ZCP v. 523 (1905); Stirn, in RCel xxvii. 332, xxviii. 330 (1906-07).
  8. A, Nutt, in RCel xxvii. 328 (1906).
  9. LL 209 b; text and translation by L. Gwynn, in Ériu, vii. 210 f. (1914).
  10. See Mythology of All Races, Boston, 1916, i. 5–8.
  11. MacCulloch [b], p. 81.

Chapter IV

  1. Caesar, De bello Gallico, vi. 14.
  2. S. H. O'Grady, ii. 203.
  3. E. O'Curry, in Atlantis, iii. 387 f. (1862).
  4. S. H. O'Grady, ii. 243.
  5. S. H. O'Grady, in TOS iii. 113 f. (1855); see infra, pp. 171–72.
  6. 6. For other instances see infra, pp. 59, 62-63, 80, 154, 184-85.
  7. Skene [a], i. 532; J. G. Evans, Llyvyr Taliesin, p. 26.
  8. Guest, iii. 356 ff.
  9. E. Windisch, in IT III. i. 235 f.
  10. W. Stokes, in RCel xv. 444 (1894).
  11. Larminie, p. 82.
  12. Book of Fermoy, 131 a; Nutt [c], i. 64 ff.
  13. MacNeill, i. 119 (ITS).
  14. W. Stokes, in RCel xv. 307 (1894).
  15. W. Stokes, ib. xvi. 65 (1895).
  16. ib. p. 69.
  17. W. Stokes, Ib. ii. 200 (1874).
  18. S. H. O'Grady, ii. 311 ff.