Page:The National Geographic Magazine Vol 16 1905.djvu/113

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Helping the Farmers


In connection with the subject of road materials the Secretary of Agriculture urges the desirability of a school for road building in connection with the department, the students to consist of men who have already received degrees from reputable engineering schools.


Many interesting experiments have been carried on in Alaska. Distribution was made, moreover, of vegetable and flower seeds to some 1,500 persons, many of whom report success, and confirm the possibility of raising hardy vegetables in nearly all parts of the territory south of the Arctic Circle. In general, the experimental work in Alaska has shown that live stock could be successfully maintained at many points. Sheep raising has not proved successful, and the Secretary expresses the opinion that Alaskan grass lands as a whole can be most profitably used at present through dairying. The Secretary says it is doubtful if equally good opportunities for dairymen can be found in the United States today.


The publication work of the department is a faithful reflex of its activity and growth. The number of publications issued during the past year aggregated 972, of which 379, comprising 23,000 pages of matter, were new. The number of copies of all publications printed during the year amounted to nearly 12,500,000. Of farmers' bulletins, of which 6,500,000 copies were issued during the year, nearly 5,000,000 were distributed upon the orders of members of Congress. Educational institutions are becoming more frequent applicants for publications, mainly for class work, and the Secretary suggests a plan by which, with the approval of Congress, unused congressional quotas of the department's publications might be made available.

From David Griffiths, U. S. Department of Agriculture

A Flock of Goats on the Ranges of Arizona