Page:The National Geographic Magazine Vol 16 1905.djvu/16

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The National Geographic Magazine


I. Mayon volcano. 2. Magellan monument, Island of Mactan, erected on the spot where he was killed. 3 Giant forest tree of Mindanao, showing natural buttresses of trunk. 4. Bun palm. 5. Tree fern, province of Benguet. 6. Moro watchtower, Dumaguete, Negros oriental. 7. Native boats 177 1. Church at Malate, Manila. 2. Augustinian church, walled city, Manila. 3. Church of the Recoletos, walled city, Manila. 4. Church at Albay, Albay. 5. Fortified church, at Boac, Marinduque. 6. De Loma church, Manila 178 1. Tobacco fields, provinces of Cagayan and Isabela. 3. Tobacco leaves arranged in " hands " for curing. 4. Sugar cane, showing the luxurious growth. 5. Crude method of extracting the juice of the sugar cane. 6. Teosinte, or forage plant, recently intro- duced into the Philippines by the Bureau of Agriculture, Manila 179 1. Tunnels on gold quartz veins, Benguet Province, Luz6n. 2. Blacksmith shop. 3. Saltmaking 180 1. Threshing rice by beating sheaves or stones. 2. Mill for winnowing rice by hand. 3. Hulling rice in wooden mortar with wooden pestles. 4. Planting rice. 5. Hulling rice . . p 181 1. Filipinos making rope. 2. Ilocanos spinning cotton, I/uz6n. Primitive loom of the Ilocanos, Luzon . , 182 1. Climbing the coconut palm for tuba. 2. Husking and splitting coconuts for copra. 3. Coconut tree and fruit . 183, 1. Coffee plant, showing the remarkable luxuriance of the growth. 2. Stripping abacd (hemp). 3. The abaca, or " Manila hemp" plant. 4. Cacao tree, showing fruit at maturity. 5. Fine samples of Manila hemp, Bureau of Agriculture, Manila 184 Silver pitcher, presented to David T. Day by the National Geographic t excursionists to Mexico . 109 Hauling a yellow-tail net, Southern Shikoku 202 A fishery experiment station in the Province of Tosa 204 A trained fishing cormorant, with its cage 205 A cormorant trainer and fisherman 206 Fishing with cormorants, Nagara River 207 Spreading the wet funori on mats to bleach and dry 208 Sprinkling the sheets of funori to prevent curling 209 Gathering the dried sheets of funori for baling and shipment 210 Gathering kelp with poles and drags 21 r Drying kelp on the beach in Hokkaido 212 Women engaged in sorting the crude kelp 214 View at an Osaka kombu factory ... 215 Women divers, province of Shima 216 The forest, Island of Guam 230 On the main road across the Island of Guam . 231 A fish intoxicant ; the fruit of the Barringtonia speciosa, natural size 232 A coffee tree in full bloom, Island of Guam . 234 Betel-nut palms 235 Flame tree in the Plaza Caguas, Porto Rico 238 A splendid specimen of the Ceiba tree, or " silk cotton," near Ponce, Porto Rico 239 A group of Sequoia gig antea^ Mariposa grove, California 240 A group of milch goats 241 One of the common prickly pears of Texas in full fruit - 242 Singeing the prickly pear of Texas with a torch . 243 A type of pear cutter, as set up and operated 243