Page:The National Geographic Magazine Vol 16 1905.djvu/21

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©^NATIONAL CEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE 13 JANUARY, J 905 CONTENTS No. i PAGE The Character of Our Immigr ation — - Past and Present* By Z» F. McSweeny. With Chart ......... I Our Immigration in J904* With Maps and Illustrations ... 15 Views of Lhasa, Illustrated 27 The Farmers of the United States .......... 39 Educating the Filipinos 46 Geographic Notes 50 Why No Americans Have Received Nobel Prizes 50 Progress in China 52 Geographic Literature 52 National Geographic Society 53 Published by the National Geographic Society, Hubbard Memorial Hall, Washington, D. C. $2.50 a Year 25 Cents a Number Entered at the Pest-Office la Washington, D. C, at Second-Class Mail Matter