Page:The National Geographic Magazine Vol 16 1905.djvu/38

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The National Geographic Magazine

to 37,326, these two countries aggregating 66,181, or twenty-odd thousand more than the total net decrease for the fiscal year 1904. The countries of northern and western Europe, with one notable exception, show increases, Great Britain's increase being 18,643. The one exception to the foregoing statement is shown by the decrease of 18,265 in the arrivals from Sweden.

The only other figures in this table to which attention need be directed are those showing an increase of nearly 100 per cent in the arrivals from China, and a decrease of 5,704 in those from Japan, the latter easily traceable to the pending war in the East.

Of the 812,870 aliens arriving in 1904, 549,100 were males and 263,770 were females—an increase in the females as compared with last year of 19,870 and a decrease in males of 64,046. As respects age, 109,150 were under 14 years, 657,155 were between 14 and 45, and 46,565 were 45 or over; 3,953 could read but not write, 168,903 could neither read nor write, and, it is presumed, the remainder, 640,014, could both read and write. It also appears that 103,750 of these aliens had already been to this country, and that 95,575 brought with them $50 or more each, while 501,530 brought each less than $50. The total amount of money shown to officers by these 812,870 aliens was $20,894,383, or $4,776,870 more than was brought by the 857,046 arrivals of the last year. This fact, taken in connection with the circumstances already referred to as to countries from which the increases of the year under consideration came, furnishes assurance of a marked improvement in the character and thrift of the more recent immigration. The 28,451 English immigrants brought with them in the fiscal year 1903 $1,405,365; this year the 41,479 of the same race brought $2,736,182; the 35,366 Irish last year had $796,082, while the 37,076 Irish this year showed $1,092,781; 71,782 German immigrants last year had $2,480,634, this year 74,790 possessed in hand $3,622,675.

Comparative Statement Showing the Number of Aliens Arrived in the United States, by Countries, during the Fiscal Years ended June 30, 1903 and 1904, respectively, Showing Increase and Decrease for Each Country.

Country. 1903. 1904. Increase. Decrease.
Austria-Hungary 206,011 177,156   28,855
Belgium 3,450 3,976 526  
Denmark 7,158 8,525 1,367  
France, including Corsica 5,578 9,406 3,828  
German Empire 40,086 46,380 6,294  
Greece 14,090 11,343   2,747
Italy, including Sicily and Sardinia 230,622 193,296   37,326
Netherlands 3,998 4,916 918  
Norway 24,461 23,808   653
Portugal, including Cape Verde and Azore Islands 9,317 6,715   2,602
Roumania 9,310 7,087   2,223
Russian Empire and Finland 136,093 145,141 9,048  
Servia, Bulgaria, and Montenegro 1,761 1,325   436
Spain, including Canary and Balearic Islands 2,080 3,996 1,916  
Sweden 46,028 27,763   18,265
Switzerland 3,983 5,023 1,040  
Turkey in Europe 1,529 4,344 2,815  
United Kingdom:
England. 26,219 38,626 12,407  
Ireland 35,310 36,142 832  
Scotland 6,143 11,092 4,949  
Wales 1,275 1,730 455  
Europe, not specified 5 143 138  
Total 814,507 767,933   46,574
China 2,209 4,309 2,100  
Japan 19,968 14,264   5,704
India 94 261 167  
Turkey in Asia 7,118 5,235   1,883
Other Asia 577 2,117 1,540  
Total Asia 29,966 26,186   3,780
Africa 176 686 510  
Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand 1,150 1,461 311  
Philippine Islands 132 52   80
Pacific islands, not specified 67 42   25
British North America 1,058 2,873 1,779  
British Honduras 81 109 28  
Other Central America 597 605 8  
Mexico 528 1,009 481  
South America 589 1,667 1,078  
West Indies 8,170 10,193 2,023  
All other countries 25 90 65  
Total 857,046 812,870   44,176
Aliens in transit 64,269 27,844   36,425
Total alien passengers 921,315 840,714   80,601