Page:The National Geographic Magazine Vol 16 1905.djvu/485

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The National Geographic Magazine

Our Immigration in 1905 435 C Comparative statement ' showing the number of aliens {exclusive of aliens in transit) admitted to the United States, by countries, during the fiscal years ended June 30, igo4 and 1903, respectively , showing increase or decrease for eacJt country. Countries. 1905. 1904. Increase. Decrease. Austria. Hungary , Belgium Denmark France, including Corsica. German Empire , Greece Italy, including Sicily and Sardinia Netherlands Norway Portugal, including Cape Verde and Azore Islands Roumania Russian Empire Finland Servia, Bulgaria, and Montenegro Spain, including Canary and Balearic Islands Sweden Switzerland Turkey in Europe England Ireland Scotland Wales Europe, not specified Total Europe , China Japan India Turkey in Asia Other Asia Total Asia. Africa Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand Philippine Islands Pacific Islands, not specified British North America . British Honduras .... Other Central America Mexico South America West Indies All other countries . Grand total 1 11,990 163,703 5,302 8,970 10,168 4o,574 10,515 221,479 4,954 25,064 5,028 4,437 167,928 16,969 2,043 2,600 26,591 4,269 4,542 64,709 5 2 ,945 i6,977 2,503 13 974,273 2, 166 10,331 190 6,157 5,o8i 23,925 757 2,091 39 36 2,168 123 1,072 2,637 2,576 16,641 161 1,026,499 177,156 3,976 8,525 9,406 46,380 n,343 193,296 4,916 23,808 6,715 7,087 i45,Hi 1,325 3,996 27,763 5,023 4-344 38,626 36,142 11,092 i,73o 143 767,933 4,309 14,264 261 5,235 2,117 26.186 686 1,461 52 42 2,837 109 605 1,009 1,667 10,193 90 812,870 9 8 ,537 1,326 445 762 28,183 1,256 39,756 718 198 26,083 16,803 5,885 773 206,340 922 2,964 7i 630 14 467 1,628 909 6,448 7i 213,629