Page:The National Geographic Magazine Vol 16 1905.djvu/587

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The National Geographic Magazine

The NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE 33: DECEMBER, 1905 CONTENTS No. 12 PAGB The Parsecs and the Towers of Silence at Bombay, India* By "William Thomas Fee, U. S. Consul General, Bombay . . 529 China and the United States* By Sir Chentung Liang-Cheng, K* C* M. G., Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary from China to the United States 554 "What Has Been Accomplished by the United States Toward Building the Panama Canal. By Theodore P. Shonts, Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission .... 558 Russia in Recent Literature. By General A. "W* Greely, Chief Signal Officer U. S. A - 562 Published by the National Geographic Society Hubbard Memorial Hall Washington, D. C. $2*50 a Year 25 Cents a Number Entered at the Peet-Offlee in Washington, D. C, as Second-Class Mail Matter