Page:The National Geographic Magazine Vol 16 1905.djvu/641

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The National Geographic Magazine

Index 581 Page Merrill, George F., Book on the non-metallic mine- rals by 52 Meriwether, Colyer, Cotton cultivation in the British Hmpire 249 — , Book reviews by. ..37, 52, 53, 253, 254, 307, 308, 360, 443 Meteorology, The new , 306 Mexico, Chinese labor in 481 — . The prosperity of 3Q8 Migrations, Modern 2 — , World 1 Milch goat, The 237 Miller, Benjamin Lerov, Chapter on Geology on the Bahama Islands by .'. 136 Mines and quarries, Our 342 Minerals, The non-metallic, Review of 52 Mir, The (Russian) village 312 Mitchell, Guy K., referred to 443 Moffitt, Fred H. ; Fairhaven gold placers, Seward Peninsula 513 Mongol Tatars 313 Moon, The, Review of Pickering's book on 253 Moore, George T. ; Report 011 soil inoculition by.. 443 — and T. R. Robinson, Report on beneficial bac- teria for leguminous crops by 443 — and Karl F. Kellerman, Report on copper as an algicide and disinfectant by 443 Moore, Willis L., Announcements by 241 — ; Elected President National Geographic Society. 87 — ; Forecasting the weather and storms 255 — , referred to 87, 306, 440, 570 Mount Weather Observatory 41 Murphy, R. C, Report on destructive floods in the United States in 1904 by 520 Nassau, Robert Hamill, Book on fetichism in West Africa by 135 Naturalization and immigration 51 Navigation. Early, Chart of 491 Needle Mountains Quadrangle, Map of, issued by Geological Survey: 424 Negritos of Zamhales, Book on 3^8 Negroes Proportion of children among 508 Newell, F. H., Report on proceedings of second reclamation conference by 520 —, referred to 123, 443 Nile. Along the, with General Grant, Book on 91 Nitrogen-fixing bacteria 46 Niwot Quadrangle, Map of, issued 126 Nobel prizes, Why no Americans have received the. 51 Nolan, Philip, and the " Levant" 114 Norman, Henry, Book on "All the Russias " cited. 332 Nordenskjold, Otto, and J. G. Anderson, Book on Antarctica by 443 North America. Review of 135 Northland, Out of the, Book on 91 Notes from ou r consuls 126 Norway and Sweden, A comparison of. 429 Observatory. Mount Weather 41 Oceans, Recent study of 496 Olmstead. Victor H., cited on the United States and the Philippines 139 Opium war. referred to 4:0 Orgeries, Renoust, referred to 77 Orient, Commercial prize of the 309 — , Our advantages in commerce with the 421 — . Russia an early arrival in the 410 Osoyoos Quadrangle, Map of, issued by U. S. Geo- logical Survey 126 Ouray Quadrangle. Colorado 423 Ovando Quadrangle, Map of, issued 126 Page, James, member of publication committee of Eighth International Geographic Congress 199 Paige. Sydney ; A growing camp in the Tanana go'd fields 104 Panama Canal, The 445 Company. Early plans of the 449 , Fearful loss of life at 450 Page Panama Canal, Progress on 467 Problem of sanitation at 457 , Note on map of the 441 — , Republic of, Movements in the 441 , What has been accomplished on ; Theodore M. Shonts 558 Route, The 446 Panama City. The mosquito campaign at 473 Parsees of India 529 Pearls, Artificial cultivation of 218 Peary's new vessel. 192 — start in 1905 482 Pedro Miguel Lakes, referred to 456 Penck, Albrecht, cite . on a tribute to American topographers 358 Perez, Enrique, cited on South American affairs... 479 Perry, Commodore, Diplomacy of. 220 Peters, W. J., Report on Ziegler relief expedition by 440 — , referred to 198, 355, 570 Philippine civil service 371 — Islands, Book on, 1493-1898 91 , Review of 307, 443 Philippines, The ; William H. Taft 361 — , Census of 139 — , Commercial products of the 148 — , Education in the 149 — , Geography of 144 — , Expense of our government in 374 — , Labor problem in 142 — , Map of 361 — , Mr Krusi's method of getting laborers in 373 — , Notes on 87 — , Number of islands 145 — , Pearl fisheries in 191 — , Summary of report on the 139 — . Volcanic origin of 144 Philips, Philip Lee ; Check lists of large school maps published by foreign governments 136 Phoenician voyagers. The well-known secrecy of... 491 Pickering, William H.. Book on the moon by 252 Pigafetta, Antonio cited on Guam 229 Pillot. Mrs Peter Stuyvesant, thanked by National Geographic Society 342 Pillot. Rosalie, thanked by National Geographic Society 342 Pinchot, Gifford ; Forestry at home and abroad 375 Piper, C. V.. Report on grass lands of the South Alaska coast 527 Plains, The Central Great 389 Plant industries, New 42 Poland, Im-nigration from 8 Polar expedition, The Ziegler 439 — exploration 482 Porto Rico, Anemia in. Book on 253 Population of China, What i«. the 306 Price. Overton W., referred to 443 Prindle, L. M., Report on gold placer mining in Alaska 513 Pumpelly, Raphael, Report on Turkestan explora- tions by 499 Purrington, C.W., Work on report of Alaska in 1904 by 513 Public school, Study of plants in 42 Putnam, G. R., cited on Philippines 145 Quadrangles, Maps of, issued by Geological Survey. 125 Quinton, J. H., Report on experiments with steel- concrete pipes 520 Rabot, Charles ; French conq iest of the Sahara... 76 Rai' way operating property in the United States, Value of 438 Ransome, Frederick Leslie; Report on progress in the Geological resurvey of the Cripple Creek district 444 Reeder, Congressman, referred to 443 Ritter, Homer F. ; Note on the activity ol Shishal- din volcano 249 Rittue, E. C. and C. O. Townsend, Report on de- velopments of single-germ beet seed by 443