Page:The National Geographic Magazine Vol 16 1905.djvu/645

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Map of the Region of the Panama Canal (24x33 inches), in 5 colors Prepared under the direction of the Isthmian Canal Commission

Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection (48 x27 inches), in 4 colors Prepared under the direction of the Hydrographic Office

Map of Alaska (42x36 inches), in 3 colors Prepared under the direction of the U. S. Geological Survey

Map of the Philippines (23x36 inches), in 4 colors Prepared under the direction of the War Department and the Bureau of the Census

Map of South Africa (46x33 inches) Prepared under the direction of the War Department

Map of Northeastern China (36x28 inches) Prepared under the direction of the War Department

A Series of Twelve Maps on the Alaskan Boundary Dispute Prepared under the direction of Hon. John W. Foster, ex-Secretary of State

  • Map Showing Alaskan Boundary Award ( 12 x 13 inches)

Prepared under the direction of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey

Map of Cuba (18x7>^ inches) Prepared under the direction of Robert T. Hill

  • Map of Manchuria and Korea (36x42 inches)

Prepared under the direction of the War Department

A Series of Twenty Full-page Two-colored Charts, showing storm tracks and method of weather forecasting Prepared under the direction of Dr Willis L,. Moore, Chief U. S. Weather Bureau

  • North Atlantic Pilot Chart (22 x 32 inches)

Prepared by the U. S. Hydrographic Office

Panorama of the Wrangell Mountains, Alaska (7x42 inches) A remarkable picture, showing scores of lofty peaks in an area as large as the State of Delaware

A Series of 140 Pictures of the Philippines, showing the types of people, their manner of life and industries, their country and resources

  • Out of print.

EACH MAP OR SERIES, BY MAIL, 25 CENTS NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Hubbard Memorial Hall, 16th and M Sts. . . . Washington, D. C.