Page:The National Geographic Magazine Vol 16 1905.djvu/76

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The National Geographic Magazine



January 6, J 905. — " Japan." By Baron Kentaro Kaneko, of the House of Peers of Japan, LL. D., Harvard University, 1899.

January 20 .— " Russia." By Hon. Charles Emory Smith, formerly Postmaster General and Minister to Russia.

February 3* -"The Philippines." The Secretary of War, Hon. Wm. H. Taft, formerly Civil Governor of the Philippine Islands, has accepted the in- vitation of the Society to deliver the address on this subject, provided that the demands of public service do not interfere.

February 17. — " Manchuria and Korea." By Mr Edwin V. Morgan, U. S. Consul to Dalny. Illustrated.

March 10.— " The Panama Canal." Rear Admiral Colby M. Chester, U. S. N., Superintendent of the U. S. Naval Observatory. Illustrated.

March 24. — "The Commercial Prize of the Orient and its Relation to the Commerce of the United States." By Hon. O. P. Austin, Chief of the Bureau of Statistics. Illustrated.

March 3*. — "From Lexington to Yorktown." By Mr W. W. Ellsworth, of the Century Company. Illustrated.

April J 4. — " Fighting the Boll Weevil." By Dr L. O. Howard, Chief of the Bureau of Entomology. Illustrated.

April 28—" Niagara Falls." By Dr G. K. Gilbert, Vice-President National Geographic Society. Illustrated.


Thursday, January f 905* — Gen- eral subject, " The Reclamation Ser- vice." Mr F. H. Newell, Chief Engi- neer, and other engineers of the Recla- mation Service, will describe the differ- ent irrigation works now being con- structed.

January 13. — Annual meeting. Reports of officers and elections.

January 27. — General subject, "The American Deserts."

1 . Vegetation. By Mr F. V. Coville^ Botanist of the Department of Agri- culture.

2. Physiography. By Dr G. K. Gil- bert.

3. Introducing the Date Palm. By- Mr W. T. Zwingle.

February JO. — General subject," Progress in Animal Husbandry." There will be papers by Mr George M. Rommel, Mr G. Fayette Thompson, and others of the Department of Agriculture, on the work and plans of the Department for producing distinctive American breeds of Horses, on the Angora Goat, the Fat Tailed Sheep, the Barbadoes Woolless Sheep, on the introduction of the Bos indicus, etc.

February 24. — General subject, "The Botanical Investigations of the Department of Agriculture." By Mr F. V. Coville, Botanist, and members of his staff.

March 3.—General subject, "Progress in Plant Physiology." Papers by Dr George T. Moore and others on "Inoculating the Ground." "Protecting Municipal Water Supply Systems," etc

March 17.—General subject, "Japan."

The Geography of Japan. By Mr Eki Hioki, First Secretary of the Japanese Legation.

The Fisheries of Japan. By Dr Hugh M. Smith.

Agriculture in Japan. By Mr David G. Fairchild.

April 7.—General subject,


Papers by Mr Gifford Pinchot, Mr Overton Price, and others, of the U. S. Bureau of Forestry, and a paper on Japanese Bamboos, by Mr David G. Fairchild.