Page:The Native Races of the Pacific States, volume 2.djvu/16

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UriLDINl^S MEPiaNE, BUKIAL, PHYSICAL FECI LIARITTES, A^n> CILARACTER OF T1IE MAYAS. PAGiE Scinty lufonnation Given l»y the Early VojTigers — Prix-ate Houses of tlio Mayas — Interior Arrangement, Decoration, and Furniture — Maya I'itios— I>oso.ription of Utatlan — Patinamit, the C'akchiquel itpital — Cities of Xioaragua — Maya Roa^is — Temples at Chichen Itza aiul Ci^zumol — Tontplos of Xioaragua and Guatemala — Dis- eases of the Ma'aa — Mislicines U»e»l — Treatment of the Sick — Pro- pitiatoHk- Otftriugs and Vows — Su^^erstitions — Dreams — Omens — WiU'hcmtt — Snake-charmers — Funeral Kites and Ceremonies — PhvsioAl PeiTiliarities — Character. 783