Page:The Natural History of Pliny.djvu/205

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Chap. 4.] ACCOUNT OF COUNTRIES, ETC. 171 the Ilorcitani the Lamiuitani, the Meiitesani-, both those called Oritani and those called Bastiili, aud the Oretani who are surnamed Gcrmani^, the people oi* Segohriga'* the capital of Celtiberia, those of Toletum^ the capital of Car- petania, situate on the river Tagus, aud after them the Yia- tienses and the Yirgilienses^. To the jurisdiction of Clunia^ the A^arduli contribute four- teen nations, of whom we need only particularize the Alba- nenses^, the Turmodigi^, consisting of four tribes, among which are the Segisamonenses^" and the Segisamaiulienses. To the same jurisdiction belong the Carietes^^ and the Ven- nenses with five states, among which are the Yelienses. Thither too resort the Pelendones of the Celtiberians, in four different nations, among whom the Numantini'- were especially famous. Also, among the eighteen states of the Yacccei, there are the Intercatienses^^, the Pallantini^^, the Lacobrigenses, and the Caucenses^^ But among the seven ^ The people pi'obably of EHocroca, now Lorca, on the high road from Carthago Nova to Castulo. 2 There were two places of the name of Mentesa, one in the district of the Oritani, and the other in that of the Bastitani or Bastuli. 3 Ptolemy, B. ii., mentions a city of this nation, called ' Oretum Grer- manorum.' It has been supposed that it was the present Calatrava, five leagues from Ciudad Real.

  • Supposed to be in the vicinity of the present Calatajud.

^ The present Toledo. ^ Their town is supposed to have stood on the site of the present Murcia. 7 Now Coruna del Conde. ^ The people of the present Alava on the Ebro. — A small town there stiU bears the name of Alvana. ^ This nation is not mentioned elsewhere. Possibly they are the Mur- bogi, mentioned by Ptolemy.

  • " Their town Segisamon was either the present Yeyzama in Guipuz-

coa, or, more probably, Sasamon, eight leagues north- west of Burgos. ^' The people of Carissa, on the site of the present Carixa near Seville. ^2 Strabo assigns the Numantini to the Arovaca;, and not the Pelen- dones. The ruins of the city of Nuraantia were still to be seen at Puente Garray near the city of Soriu, in IIardouin"s time, the 17th century. ^3 D'Anville places their city, Intercatia, at the place called Villa nueva de Azviague, forty miles from the present Aetorga ; others again make it to have been sixty miles fron that place. '^ Their town was on the site of the modern city of Palencia, on the river Carion. '^ The people of Cauca, the present Coca, situate between Segovia and Valladohd, on the river Eresma.