Page:The Natural History of Pliny.djvu/310

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276 plint's natural history. [Book lY. cyrna^ The most famous mountains are Tomarus, in the district of Dodona, Crania- in Amhracia, Aracynthus^ in Aearnania, and Acantlion^, Pansetolium^, and Macynium^, in -^tolia. CHAP. 4. (3.) — LOCRIS AND PHOCIS. Next to JEtolia are the Loeri, surnamed Ozolse ; a peo- ple exempt from tribute. Here is the town of CEanthe^, the port^ of Apollo Phsestius, and the Gulf of Crissa^*^. In the interior are the towns of Argyna, Eupalia^ Phaestum, and Calamisus. Beyond are the Cirrhsean plains of Phocis, the town of Cirrha^'^, and the port of Chalseon^^, seven miles appears to be unknown. The modem Kyra-tis-Irinis is thought to oc- cupy the site of Pleuron. 1 Leake supposes some ruins between Kurt-aga, the site of Chalcedon, and the east end of the Lagoon of Missolonghi, to be the remains of Hahcyma. 2 Leake supposes it to be identical with the high mountain now called Kelberini. Others again identify it with Grribovo. 3 Phny erroneously places this movmtaia in Aearnania. It was a range of ^toha, now called Zygos.

  • Perhaps the modern Djourmerca.
  • Either the present. Plocopari, or perhaps, more probably, Viena.

^ A part of Moimt Tapliiassus. It is mentioned only by Pliny. " They are supposed to have inhabited the modem districts of Ma- landrino and Salone, They were called "Ozolse" or ' strong-smelling,' either from the undi'essed skins worn by them, or from the quantities of asphodel that grew in their country ; or else from the vapours thrown oif by the mmeral springs in those parts. ^ PouqueviUe imagines its rviins to be those seen about two leagues from the modem Galaxidi. ^ Lapie marks this in his map as the modern port of lanaklii. ^0 So called from the ancient town of Crissa, which stood on it. It is the same as the modern Grulf of Salona. ^^ Or Eupahum. Leake supposfs it to have stood in the plain of Ma- rathia, opposite the islands of Trazonia, where some ruhis still exist. ^^ Pausanias makes this town to be the same with the Homeric Crissa, but Strabo distinguishes the two places, and liis opmion is now generally followed ; Cirrha being thought to have been built at the head of the 'CrissKan gulf, as the port of Crissa. Its rmns are thought to be those which bear the modern name of Magula. ^■^ Or Chalseum. Phny erroneously calls it a tovm of Phocis, it being on the coast of the Locvi Ozola?. He is wi'ong also in placing it seven mUes from Delphi, and not improbably confounded it with Cirrha. Leake suggests that its site was the present Larnaki.