Page:The Natural History of Pliny.djvu/428

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394i PLIKT's NATTJEAL HISTORY. [Book V. of sand. On passing these, not far from the shore there is a vast swamp ^ which receives the river Triton^ and from it takes its name : by Callimachus it is called Pallantias^, and is said by him to be on the nearer side of the Lesser Syrtis ; many other writers however place it between the two Syrtes. The promontory which bounds the Greater Syrtis has the name of Borion"* ; beyond it is the province of Cyrene. Africa, from the river Ampsaga to this limit, includes 516 peoples, who are subject to the Roman sway, of which six are colonies ; among them Uthina* and Tuburbi*^, be- sides those already mentioned. The towns enjoying the rights of E-oman citizens are fifteen in number, of which I shall mention, as lying in the interior, those of Assurae'^, Abutucum, Aborium, Canopicum^, Cilma^, Simithium, Thu- nusidium, Tuburnicum, Tynidrumum, Tibiga, the two towns called Ucita, the Greater and the Lesser, and Yaga. There is also one town with Latin rights, Uzalita by name, and one town of tributaries, Castra Cornelia^". The free towns are thirty in number, among which we may mention, in the interior, those of Acholla^ Aggarita, Avina, Abzirita, Cano- respective territories with the people of Cyrene, submitted to be biu'ied ahve in the sand, at the boundary-hne between the two countries. Sal- lust (Jugurthine War) is the main authority for the story. It is also related by Pomponius Mela, B. i. c. 7, and Yalerius Maxmius, B. v, c. 6, but from the Greek name of the brothers, meaning " lovers of praise," it is doubtfid whether the story is not of spurious origin. 1 The Lake Tritonis mentioned in note ^ p. 393. 2 Now called El Hammah, accordhig to Shaw. 3 According to some accounts the goddess Pallas or Minerva was bom on the banks of Lake Tritonis.

  • The modern Cape of Tajuni.

5 Now called Udina, accorcUng to Marcus. ^ Now called Tabersole, according to Marcus. 7 In the north of Byzacium, near the Bagrada and the confines of Numidia. It was the station of a Roman garrison, and considerable remains of it are still visible near the modern Zanfour. 8 Called Cannopissse by Ptolemy, who places it to the east of Tabraca. ^ There is great doubt as to the correct orthography of these places, most of which can be no longer identified. ^0 According to Marcus the present Porto Tarina. ^^ Also called Achilla and Achulla, the ruins of which are to be seen at the modern El Ahah. It stood on the sea-coast of Byzacium, a Httle above the northern extremity of the Lesser Syrtis. It was a colony from the island of Melita, now Malta.