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Cliap. 9.] ACCOTTNT Or COUNTEIES, ETC. 407 in number, have received their names from those who dwell upon their shores, for which reason they will be mentioned together. Egypt is the country which lies next to Africa ; in the in- terior it runs in a southerly direction, as far as the territory of the Ethiopians, who lie extended at the back of it. The river IS'ile, dividing itself, forms on the right and left the boundary- of its lower part, which it embraces on every side By the Canopic mouth of that river it is separated from Africa, and by the Pelusiac from Asia, there being a distance between the two of 170 miles. For this reason it is that some persons have reckoned "Egypt among the islands, the Nile so dividing itself as to give a triangular form to the land which it encloses: from which circumstance also many persons have named Egypt the Delta-, after that of the Greek letter so called. The distance from the spot where the channel of the river first divides into branches, to the Canopic mouth, is 146 miles, and to the Pelusiac, 166. The upper part of Egypt, which borders on Ethiopia, is known as Thebais. This district is divided into prefec- tures of towns, which are generally designated as " Nomes." These are Ombite3^ Apollopolites^ Hermonthites^ Thi- nites^ Phaturites^ Coptites^ Tentyrites^ Diopolites'*', An- 1 Parisot remarks that Pliny is in error in this statement. A consi- derable part of Lower Egypt lay both on the right and left of the Delta or island formed by the branches of the Nile. ' It must be remembered, however, that our author has ah-eady included a portion of what was strictly Egypt, in his description of Libya Mareotis. 2 By reason of its triangxdar form, A. 3 The Ombite nome worshipped the crocodile as the emblem of Sebak. Its capital was Ombos. . j , 4 This nome destroyed the crocodile and worshipped the sun. its capital was Apollinopohs Magna. 5 It worshipped Osiris and his son Orus. The chief town was Tiier- monthis. 6 Probably the original kingdom of Mencs of Tlus, the founder ot the Egyptian monarchy. It worshipped Osiris. Its capital was This, after- wards called Abydos. 7 The nome of Thebes, which was its chief town. 8 Its capital was Coi)tos. 9 Its chief town was Tentyra. This nome worshipped Athor or Venus, Isis, and Typhon. It destroyed the crocodile. i3 Perhaps the same as the Punopolite or Chemmite nome, which had