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Phantasms of the Dead

her to take out. It was of wax—of the kind used for promises [to saints]—and, what was a still more singular coincidence, it had already been lighted.

We delivered the candle to Monsenhor José Augusto, of Barbacena, in performance of my niece's pious vow thus curiously revealed in a dream.

(Signed) Guilhermina Nery.

Senhor Nery writes:

Barbacena. March 26th, 1895.

I recollect that, on the occasion, my wife told me of the dream, much impressed by it. It is exactly what is written.

(Signed) Domingos Nery.

The next case comes to us from America. The facts were carefully investigated within a few weeks of the occurrence by Dr. Hodgson, and there seems no ground for doubting that the dream actually occurred as stated. The following account extracted from a local newspaper was written by a member of the staff who happened to enter the coroner's office a few minutes after the son of the dead man, who had returned to Dubuque on the strength of his sister's dream, had searched the clothes, and found the money. The reporter heard the facts both from the son and from the coroner.

No. 52. From "The Herald," Dubuque, Iowa[1]

February 11th, 1891

It will be remembered that on February and, Michael Conley, a farmer living near Ionia, Chickasaw County, was found dead in an outhouse at the Jefferson house. He was carried to Coroner Hoffmann's morgue, where, after the inquest, his body was prepared for shipment to his late home. The old
  1. Proceedings, S. P. R., vol. viii.. pp. 200, 201.