hibit this, Major asked if it was to be an old master or a modern 'pot-boiler.' He was told the latter, and he then discoursed on 'pot-boilers' and how he knew all the subjects of them—mentioning two or three—in a very contemptuous manner. He did not seem to see anything, however, and appeared to be expecting to see an artist producing a rapid sketch. Then, when told that the picture was actually there, he suddenly exclaimed: "Do you mean that deuced old trap with a mouse? He must have been drawing for the rat-vermin people.'"
Another interesting series of experiments in the transference of imagined scenes is recorded by Mrs. A. W. Verrall of Cambridge. Mrs. Verrall has conducted many experiments with H., the agent in this case, a child (in 1893) between nine and ten years of age, and has found indications of telepathic powers, both in H. and herself.
No. 6 From Mrs. A. W. Verrall