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Experimental Thought Transference

ladies in October and November, 1905. The agent was Miss Miles, living at 59 Egerton Gardens, London, the percipient was Miss Ramsden, of Bulstrode, Gerrard's Cross, Buckinghamshire, about twenty miles from London. The time of the experiments was fixed by pre-arrangement. There were fifteen trials in all. Subjoined are records of five of the trials, selected not merely for their success, but as illustrating the conditions of percipience. In the quotations which follow (A) is the note made by the agent, Miss Miles, at the time: (B) is the note made at the time by the percipient, Miss Ramsden, who was of course in ignorance of the subject chosen.

Experiment 1

(A) October 18th, 1905. 7 P.M.


I sat with my feet on the fender. I thought of Sphinx, I tried to visualize it. Spoke the word out loud. I could only picture it to myself quite small as seen from a distance. —C. M.

(B) Wednesday, October 18th, 1905. 7 P.M.

Bulstrode, Gerrads's Cross, Bucks.

I could not visualize, but seemed to feel that you were sitting with your feet on the fender in an arm-chair, in a loose black sort of tea-gown. The following words occurred to me:
Peter Evan or 'Eaven (Heaven).
Hour-glass (this seemed the chief idea).
Worcester deal box.

Daisy Millar.