was purely the result of my own imagination. The rays of the sun and the cross itself appeared for an instant to be luminous. I cannot exactly say how I saw the rest, but it was the most vivid impression of the kind that I ever had in my life.
Experiment X
(A) November 2nd. HANDS.
C. M.
(B) Thursday, November 2nd. 7 P.M.
You then went upstairs to your bedroom where there was no fire, so you put on a warm wrap.
Then I began to visualise a little black hand, quite small, much smaller than a child's, well formed, and the fingers straight. This was the chief thing. Then faintly an eye. Then W that turned to V, and V turned into a stag's skeleton head with antlers. A I P upside down so: A I P . . . . M E E might be my name. I was not sleepy when I began, yet it soon became impossible to keep awake. . . . The little black hand was the most vivid impression. H. R.
Miss Miles adds that she had been drawing an outline portrait in charcoal during the afternoon. The sitter states that the part most finished was the hands.
Experiment XII
(A) Monday, November 6th. MARGUERITE TENNANT.
C. M.
(B) Monday, November 6th.
Thomas? (Saw some of these letters separately, they seemed to spell Thomas.)
(He?)Nothing very vivid to-day.—H. R.