race In America, and a man like Du Bois is continually howling about them one and all in the press as the Advance Guard of the Negro Race in America.
Mendacity, thy name is negro, for surely these are not negroes, but they are very convenient types in this country for the great admirers among the whites of the negro race in the United States, as well as the negroes themselves, to juggle with and to deceive the thoughtless into believing that the negro is making such vast and rapid progress among us. As a matter of fact, what he is doing is only through hybridization and crossing with the whites whenever the opportunity offers, with the view of furthering his own selfish ends and jeopardizing the nobility of the Anglo-Saxon and the civilization of which he is the author. (See Appendix, Note 2, p. 188.)
Men like Thomas, who is about one-sixteenth part negro, prejudice this entire question in their published books and writings. I refer especially to this author's last work, a most able production in many particulars. (The American Negro; what he was, what he is, and what he may become. A Critical and Practical Discussion by William Hannibal Thomas. The Macmillan Comp., Lond. and N. York, 1901.) He has shown the negro race in its true ethnological light. He supports all that I have said above in regard to the characteristics of hybrids; he deplores the presence of the negro and his kin in this country, he advocates his intellectual upraising and civilization with the same pen that he points out its utter futility and impossibility. These several inconsistencies and incongruities he clinches by the last, and perhaps most truthful paragraph in the book, when he gives it as his opinion that