plex man can intelligently discuss the negro question. To understand the ineradicable racial traits of the African, one must know the structural life and habits resulting from a certain biologic basis. We must penetrate beneath superficial ideas, throw aside prudish philosophy, and open our eyes to anatomical and physical facts if we wish to render justice to civilization. Silence regarding sexual matters must give way to vocative statements, for it is by these unavoidable statements that we must be guided in dealing with the negro question."
The time has, or ought to have, arrived in the world when man, or the intelligent part of mankind, can largely control his, or its own environment. Nature has no pity, or so far as we know, no designs in such matters. With her the laws are simply operative in accordance with the conditions present and involved. Certain effects are bound to become evident if certain states and conditions exist, and nature would not care a rap were this planet to become as cold as an iceberg, solid to the core, and with a surface as smooth as a billiard-ball without so much as a grain of dust upon it. With her biologic law would then simply cease, and physical law alone would still remain active. In other words, it remains entirely with ourselves to control our environment in such matters, and were there a consensus of opinion upon the point, followed by a consensus of action, we have it in our power to render the negro race extinct in the United States in very short order. Sociologic adjustment would follow quite as quickly, and natural laws would still continue as unceasingly in their action. That mankind in the long run would be enormously benefited, and the white race