stimulates in thousands of black devils resentment at not being similarly treated, and rouses them to fresh insults and outrages aimed at the Southern white woman. Negro equality is a theory; negro outrages and insults resulting from the inculcation of the doctrine of equality are hideous facts."
This lady knows whereof she speaks, and she possesses the true courage of the heroine, putting her thoughts to paper and print without a spark of false shame or fear. I cannot sufficiently admire her candor and her appeal. Her words, her description of actual conditions, should be sounded throughout the length and breadth of this country, and with that view in mind, I take infinite pleasure in reproducing here still more from her admirable invocation. "Behind the Southern adamantine resolve that the Southern white people shall forever be white people," she says, "is an instinct which few have analyzed — the instinct for the preservation of species. Preservation of species is one of the strongest laws of nature. The lion does not mate with the tiger. Race aversion is simply the unconscious recognition of this creational difference, and the normal attitude toward a mingling of the two races should be one of instinctive animal revolt." In these words, we cannot concur, for as I have said and abundantly shown in previous chapters, nature cares nothing about the species, lions and tigers have mated and offspring hybrids have resulted; and, misfortunes of all misfortunes, the white and black races are interbreeding in the United States. She speaks with more truth when she comes back to the question again and says, "Today, because the negro has been taught 'you are the social equal of