of approval. Soberly speaking, negro nature is so craven and sensuous in every fibre of its being that negro manhood with decent respect for chaste womanhood does not exist." (The American Negro, pp. 179, 180.)
Utterly unscrupulous in other matters along the lines I have here been touching upon in this chapter, I may say that thirty years ago, at a time I was a medical student in college and called upon to examine microscopically every cell to be found in the human organization, by applying to a negro, I was never at a loss to secure for such a purpose an absolutely recent specimen of the human spermatic fluid. Ordinarily it was furnished me by some sable representative of the race within arm's length of my microscope, for the very moderate sum of twenty-five cents.
On another occasion, I desired to observe all the normal movements of a woman in the pangs of childbirth. There was no trouble in finding in Washington (D. C.) in those days a young negress with a slight dash of white blood in her composition about to give birth to her first child. Such a one I went, by her permission, to see one evening, and a most voluptuous creature she was, to be sure. With scarcely a word of persuasion, she was induced to remove every particle of clothing she had on, and very shortly afterwards her labor commenced, the mother-to-be reclin- ing, at my suggestion, for the struggle upon a hard mattress simply covered with a thin india-rubber spread. She was instructed not to in any manner control her expressions of pain either in her physical movements or her screams or mutterings. These instructions were cheerfully complied with, and the