increase, the number of such cases being greater each year. It seems to me that such cases now average at least one a day for the entire country over. They are well exemplified by the following one from The New York Herald:
Business Man Finds One with Throat Cut and the Other with
Head Crushed — Mob Watches the Prison — Mayor of
Virginia Town Orders the Military Company to be Ready
for Lynchers.
"Roanoke, Va., Saturday. — When George J. Shields,
a well-known young business man, reached his home,
in the heart of the city, at the luncheon hour today, he
found his three-year-old daughter Mildred lying on
the reception hall floor with two ugly wounds in the
head. Following blood-stains from the dining room
to an upstairs chamber, he found his wife in a clothes
closet w4th her throat cut from ear to ear and her head
horribly hacked. Mrs. Shields managed to gasp :—
'A large black negro man came through the kitchen
and attacked me in the dining-room.'
"Excepting this, there is no clew to the criminal. Mrs. Shields had been assaulted, after which her assailant dealt her several blows on the head with a hatchet, fracturing the skull, dragged her upstairs, where he cut her throat with a razor and threw her into a closet, fastening the door on the outside.
"The dining-room floor bore evidences of a terrible struggle. The physicians entertain little hope for the recovery of either the mother or child.
"Ever since the discovery of the tragedy, a large