ist, and the representatives of a number of other factions or classes. Finally, we hear and read of a great many kinds of opinions advanced on the state of affairs we are considering by the negroes themselves, especially by such half-breeds as Booker T. Washington, Du Bois, and their ilk. Indeed, with respect to this last class, it is only those who have a great share of the dominant or white race in their composition who are at all capable or in any way fitted to express an opinion, or of saying anything worth the price of the ink it would take to print it.
After all has been said, however, on this subject, all along the line, there remains but one remedy at all worthy of our consideration, and that is the complete segregation of the two races. (See Appendix, Note 7, p. 247.) If they are left to occupy the same geographical area, as they nod do, they will continue to interbreed, in spite of anything man can do to prevent the disaster, and it will simply result in the formative white stock in this country taking up into its compound mixture, comprising of a variety of stocks from the Old World, all the negro stock now in the United States. So that, in the course of a few more centuries, the blacks will gradually be absorbed and all the evil effects resulting from such an amalgamation will have passed beyond the reach of any remedy. In time, and nature cares not a rap for time, any more than she does for results,— in time, I say, a people will be produced no single individual of which will be able to deny successfully that he or she, as the case may be, has not some of the blood of the Soudan cannibal in them. Pure Anglo-Saxons, or, more broadly speaking, the best mixture of the white