recommend such a step to Congress, and the latter act upon it. But, the Academy, as a rule, do not make such use of its profound knowledge of ethnology, history and the now well-understood laws of biology.
Then there are plenty of people in this country of ours who would far rather see, were it possible for them to live long enough, the entire white race here rotted by heroic injections into their veins of all the savagery and criminality there is in the negro, than have any number of the latter, however great or small, in any way inconvenienced by their being returned to the country from which their ancestors came.
In closing this introduction there are a few to whom it affords me pleasure to express my profound thanks for their assistance in steering this book safely through the press. Two of these gentlemen I am not permitted to name, but my most sincere thanks are extended to them nevertheless, and none the less heartily upon that account, and had it not been for their prompt and substantial support this little volume may never have seen the light. I am responsible for everything that appears in it and it only remains for me to thank my friend Mr. W. F. Fleming, of Denison, Texas, who kindly went over the entire galley proof for me, thus giving it a revision which his long experience and great skill made of especial value, not to mention the labor it saved me at a time when other literary work was demanding nearly my entire attention.
R. W. S.
New York City.