civilization is not inherent in them, as a race ; and that if with all their boasted improvements since they were liberated in this country, they were transported to any other country to work out their own destiny, a lapse back to savagery would be the inevitable result, — a result, I may say, that would be of the most far-reaching advantage to the real civilizers of the world, and of the most superlative import to the world at large and to posterity.
Plenty of uninformed people among us there are to say, * Oh, but give this race a chance, an opportunity for its uplifting " (its uplifting is a favorite expression of such people), "and you will soon see the wonders it will effect." To such people it may be plainly said, that the black or Ethiopian race is probably many, many centuries older than our own, that is, older than the Indo-European stock, and yet what has it done for civilization? Nothing, except in the case of a corporal's guard of hybrids, some dead and a few living, who have made a noise in the world, owing to the fact that the black mammies along the line of their ancestry, at various periods of its evolvement, lay to a white man, and the progeny at different times inherited its modicum of brains, and a certain degree of expansibility of the cranial sutures. That's all, and that's all there is to it.
Nowhere in all history has such a state of affairs, as
the one here presented, fallen to the lot of mankind.
At no time have two such distinct races, each numbered
by its millions, the one representing the highest stage
of civilization and advancement, the other practically
but a day removed from savagery and cannibalism and
all that that means, been thrown together in the same