THENEGRO 219 Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, father and mother of the mur- dered girl, left Wilmington early today for their old home in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Bishop, who has been ill, was awakened last night by the light of the flames of the fire around White. She is on the verge of nervous prostration. Mob Always is in the Wrong By Rev. Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis, Pastor of Plym- outh Church, Brooklyn : — " The mob is always wrong. The mob should not be recognized at any time.
- We all deplore the tardiness of the law in such a
case, but w^e have the power to alter this law. The crime was one that demanded prompt justice, but not the interference of the mob." Pastor Ellwood is to be Pitied By Rev. Dr. J. M. Ludlow, noted Presbyterian preacher and writer : — " Let us have a law as soon as possible that will render swift justice to every as- sailant of womanhood. " The lynching at Wilmington has shown us what is demanded. We cannot have it any too soon. " This was an infamous crime, enough to provoke mobs in the North.
- ' I am of the opinion that the mob's work could have
been prevented by a speedy justice that would have given the murderer what his crime deserved. " I have no sympathy with the mob that has cast such a blot on our civilization." Lynching Spirit is a Legacy of Slavery By Mrs. Russell Sage, wife of the famous finan- cier : — " These horrible lynchings are the few re- maining roots of the terrible wrong of slavery. "I cannot excuse a lynching — not even of such a beast as George White.