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Page:The Negro a menace to American civilization.djvu/25

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tion. Homosexuality is common in mankind, and far more so than it is among other animals. It is met with in both sexes. As a matter of fact, whether induced by disease, or indulged in by the normal man or woman, there is no animal or group of animals on earth, outside of man that practices a wider range of sexual perversions, psychopathia sexualis, and the most fiendish and inconceivable departures from normal coition to a natural end than does the genus Homo. He actually out-animals,— yes, out-beasts the bestiality of the very beasts themselves. Along these lines no other animal can compete with him, nor rival him in the contraction of venereal disease as a consequence. With respect to instinct and reason it does not differ in any respect whatever throughout the entire range of animated nature, it differs but in degree, while typical instinct and the instincts, are the same everywhere and in all organizations. Reason has been brought to a higher plane in the best of mankind, those enjoying the most exalted intellectual development, whereas thousands of men and women exist in all parts of the world in whom the reasoning faculties are no keener than in the most intelligent foxes, dogs, and elephants. Ethnologists have proven this fact over and over again.

As for an existence beyond this life here on earth, no man living knows one whit more of it, than does the bull-frog that croaks in the marshes. Many think that they do, and stoutly claim that they do, but in reality every reasoning man and woman in the world knows full well that it is the most deep-seated, universal and notorious fallacy afloat. It would make a good common-sense baboon smile to think of it, especially as he is an honorable de facto representative