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Page:The Negro a menace to American civilization.djvu/292

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368 THE NEGRO when the real needs of the colored people are made ap- parent. Churches, schools, colleges and many other institutions of much importance to the race are prom- inent landmarks throughout the Southland, speaking eloquently of the generosity of the Anglo-Saxon to- ward these people, and more eloquent still are the in- telligent, educated men and women of the race who have been qualified by those means to lead their people out of the darkness thrown around them by long years of servitude. But with all this there has sprung up possibly a greater menace to the progress of these people. The colored people believe that they have been dis- criminated against, ostracized, disfranchised and other- wise oppressed to such an extent that emigration to Africa appears to be the only means that will afiford them relief. This society will have by February, or probably sooner, a colony of from three to five hun- dred sturdy pioneers — men, women and children — ready to embark on a chartered steamer at Savannah, Ga., for their new homes in Africa. Many of these people, and in fact nearly all of them, are financially unable to undertake this venture with- out the moral support and some financial aid from their Anglo-Saxon friends. It is true that Liberia, the place where they are going, offers them every natural advantage and oppor- tunity for making a living and to establish themselves comfortably in a home of their own, but as a matter of fact, with but little means they would have a hard time for the first few months after landing there; therefore this appeal is made to the generous and philanthropic people of America to contribute at least a mite to assist these people for a short while after landing in Liberia. They will need, first, provisions, medicine and the immediate necessities of life. Then houses, household necessities, farm implements, seeds and things of that description will be needed to enable them to get an