arrested by the premature closing of the cranial sutures and lateral pressure of the frontal bone" (La Razza Negra nel suo stato selvaggio, etc. Turin, 1864, p. 20).
In his internal anatomy the negro exhibits a much closer approach to the anthropoid apes than any other race of the genus Homo. Perhaps it would be nearer the truth to say that he has not been so completely differentiated from the simian stock as the other races of mankind have.
Many vestigial or rudimentary organs and structures that are constant in the case of the animals below man appear far more frequently in the negro than in the white race. It will not be necessary to enumerate all of these when a few will answer our purpose, especially when taken in connection with the external characters already given above. I believe that it will be found that the supracondyloid foramen of the humerus (feline carnivora, gorilla) is more frequently present in the negro, and I am quite sure the psoas parvus muscle is. Dr. Edward A. Ballock was interested in this subject a number of years ago (September 1891), and read a paper upon it before the Washington Medical Society (D. C), he being a resident of that city. He has sent me the original MS. of this paper, and as it is short and to the point, I find it useful to include in the present chapter. It is entitled On the relative frequently of the psoas parvus muscle in the colored race, and I may say that what its author found to be the case is confirmed by my own experience, both on the dissecting-table as well as in my reading. Dr. Ballock said : —
"For a long time I have been impressed with the