began when the Dutch brought twenty of them to Virginia in 1619, and that upwards of four hundred thousand more of these black, benighted, densely ignorant, semi-simian, superstitious, lying and treacherous cannibals, were, up to 1862, in blood, cruelty and infamy, landed upon our shores by a lot of the most heartless, cowardly, piratical, shameless and fiendishly cruel mercenaries that ever plied the sea.
The entire traffic was horrid in the extreme and the injury it has done, and is still powerfully doing, those of Anglo-Saxon descent in these United States of America is, as proportionately compared with any benefit that has accrued from their introduction and subsequent propagation here, like unto a gentle morning shower on the surface of the Pacific,— the ocean the injury, the shower the good. In fact, the injury so far outweighs the good that the latter can practically be to a large extent ignored in the present volume. Indeed, the former so far preponderates over the latter, is so profound in its nature, and demands such explicit clearness in its handling and presentation, in all of its varied and scientific aspects, that I shall require every page of space I have remaining to in any way do it adequate justice. After another chapter or two that part of my task will be seriously entered upon.