in the world that from the earliest time that the negro slaves came into the United States, and during all their years of slavery, and during all their years of freedom, up to the present writing, the negresses of that race have borne untold thousands of children to representatives of the white race in this country; in a far, far less proportion of instances females of the white race have borne children to pure-blooded negroes, though a much greater number have to mulattoes or the hybrids of lighter tints. By far the vast majority of these births have occurred in the "black belt" of the Southern States, although in slave days, and even now in such cities as Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and a score of others to the northward, the males of the white race have not been behind-hand in increasing the vital statistics along these lines. Many of the mulattoes thus produced had some of the very best white blood in the country in their veins, while, in many, many instances, the negro mothers adopted the name of the family that owned or employed them, and by some of the male members of which they had borne children. Cases are even on record where negresses in bearing twins, one of the children would be white and one black, an instance of the kind I have in my mind, the husband had first impregnated her, and a few hours afterwards, her master. (See Flint's Text-book of Human Physiology, p. 895.)
As the years rolled by and time passed on, the effects of all this became painfully visible. As nature never has and never will concern herself about man's interests, however vital man himself may consider these interests to be, she did not in this matter of race