Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/293

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hate one another; but let them be bound together in love and concord, and give heed to one another, in the name of the glorious Trinity. Amen.

Charm to destroy love and excite hatred.

In the name of the Father, &c. I beseech Thee, O Almighty Lord, that A. B. may separate from G. D. [a woman,] as far as the east is from the west, and the north from the south; and that as wax melteth before the fire so the love of A. B. the son of C. B. may melt, pass away, and be extinguished, from the heart of G. D. the daughter of H. D., and that as snow melteth from off the mountains, and ice from the cliffs, so A. B. may be separated from G. D. in the name of the devil, whose it is to instil hatred instead of joy. Amen.

Charm to prevent a smelting furnace from kindling.

In the name of the Father, &c. when thou passest through the fire thou shalt not be burnt, neither shall the flames kindle upon thee. Nebuchadnezzar the king ordered the furnace to be kindled and cast therein the three children Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, and an angel was sent from heaven who scattered a dew upon them and the fire was extinguished. By the same power and command I bind, cast out, and excommunicate the fire, that it may not flame, kindle, or burn, so that the fire may not burn the wood, nor the wood the metal, in the furnace of A. B. the son of D. B. [his mother] by the same power by which S. George extinguished the furnace of fire which was kindled for him eleven days. By that same power let the fire in the furnace of A. B. be extinguished, that it may neither flame nor ignite on the right hand or on the left, and let it be so bound until I shall loosen it. Amen.

Charm to excite love in a man towards a woman.

I ascend seven mountains, and descend into seven valleys, and I saw there a tree of frankincense, and I conjure with awful oaths, that as incense burns in the fire even so may A. B. the son of C. B. [his mother] burn with the love of C. D. the daughter of E. D. [her mother.] Amen.